Sunday, August 9, 2009

Harvesting the Wind in Northern Ontario

The Nolalu Eco Centre will be organizing anothe workshop unique for Northern Ontario: Harvesting the Wind. Wind power is the most established and most cost-effective way to generate power, and this workshop will show you why and how.

Learn About Wind Power

Noticed we've been getting more wind? The Nolalu Eco Centre will be hosting a Wind Workshop for those who have always wanted to learn more about generating their own wind power. Wind is a renewable energy alternative that might be a possible option for your property.

The Wind Workshop will cover how wind power works and what it can do for us. We'll have a look at Nolalu Eco Centre's own 100 ft tall 1.3 Kw wind tower and the different components that are involved. You'll also learn about selling power back into the grid and what that all means.

The workshop will be held Saturday August 15 from 10:00 am till aprox. 4:00 p.m at Nolalu Eco Centre.

Admission is $85.00 and includes lunch, refreshments and snacks. Discounts for groups of 2 and up.

For more information visit the Eco Centre's website at, or contact the centre at or call (807) 474-3968

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