Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Transport Canada makes positive change ! ~ canoes and kayaks (almost) off the hidden tax hit list

(this post written by Kara Mitchell )

Transport Canada's back paddling on its recent decision to include human powered vessels such as kayaks, sail boats and canoes in new registration requirements. Minister of Transport Minsiter Chuck Strahl that these boats and in fact all small vessels with motors less than 7.5 kilowatts (10 horsepower) will no longer have to register their craft with Transport Canada. Ontario's ecotourism, adventure tourism and children's camps and resorts breathed a collective sigh of relief.

The recently updated, meant to be simplified registration process will continue to be required for commercial river rafts, government vessels and for any vessels where registration is necessary for safety reasons. Thanks to input from the public, including ORCKA and tOES, fleets of vessels can now also be registered for a reduced ($50 for 5 year) rate.

"What doesn't change are the safety requirements. Small vessels, such as canoes and kayaks, their owners and users must continue to adhere to all safety requirements under the Canada Shipping Act." added Minister Strahl.

For more information, see Transport Canada at www.tc.gc.ca

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sea Kayaking Instructors course with Geogian Bay Storm Gathering

Coming up this fall, a sea kayaking instructor's course timed to match a storm gathering on Georgian Bay ~ talk about maximize experience !

tOES member hosting White Squall do well to minimize the environmental impact of their quality sea kayaking experiences too. For example, they partner with many regional environmental stewardship initiatives including the Georgian Bay Land Trust.

Dates: Oct. 11 – Oct. 16 2011

Location: White Squall Paddling Centre

Cost: $800. + HST - includes registration in Georgian Bay Storm Gathering

Registration: White Squall (705) 342-5324 info@whitesquall.com


The 2011 Paddle Canada Level 2 Sea Kayak Instructor Course is being held in conjunction with the Georgian Bay Storm Gathering west of Parry Sound Ontario on Georgian Bay. The Storm Gathering brings together some of Ontario’s top instructors as well as a committed group of participants – with a comprehensive offering of on and off-water presentations. Instructor course candidates will be provided with structured opportunities for teaching intermediate paddlers in challenging conditions Candidates should have strong Level 3 skills and past teaching experience.

Director: Graham Ketcheson – Level 2 Inst. Trainer, Level 3 Inst. Executive Director - Paddle Canada

Instructor: Greg Mason – Level 1 Inst. Trainer, Level 3 Inst., General Manager - Georgian Bay Biosphere

More info on:

Storm Gathering: georgianbaystormgathering.com

Paddle Canada: paddlecanada.com

Other ecotours, ecotourism events and courses this year in Ontario : (our calendar of events)